What is Plantar Fasciitis and How Does It Get Treated?

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Did you know that over 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain?

Chronic pain makes it difficult to get through the day, let alone do the things you love. For instance, you may have a constant issue of pain in your heel. One potential reason for this could be related to plantar fasciitis. The good news is that this condition is treatable.

Have you never heard of it before? Please keep reading to learn all about it and what the treatment process entails.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

If you’re not sure what plantar fasciitis is, then it’s important to know that it involves inflammation in your foot. The affected area is a ligament at the foot’s bottom called the plantar fascia. Made out of strong fibers, this ligament extends from your heel to the ball of your foot and even your toes.

One reason why the plantar fascia is so important is that it connects your foot’s bones. While the ligament is flexible and stretchy, it has limits. Problems like plantar fasciitis can occur when the ligament is stretched too far or overused in general.

Whatever the cause of the damage, you can expect some degree of swelling in the area. The worse the inflammation gets, the more painful it can be to walk on the afflicted foot. The condition can even progress to the point at which a person can’t walk at all.

This is why you should schedule an appointment with a medical professional as soon as you notice any worrying symptoms.

What Are the Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis?

Pain in a foot afflicted with plantar fasciitis is one of the most obvious symptoms but by no means the only one. The pain could be localized at the bottom of your foot or feel a bit more spread out. The pain can either be dull or sharp, but it often gets more severe with time, especially if you don’t seek proper treatment.

Other than heel pain, the afflicted foot may feel more stiff than usual. The stiffness could end up being more pronounced in the morning and might loosen up over the course of the day. You may notice a specific tightness in your Achilles tendon, too.

As mentioned earlier, the inflammation associated with plantar fasciitis can also cause swelling, so be sure to check for that. If your other foot is fine, then it can help to compare the size of one foot with the other.

While most people only develop this health issue in one foot, it’s possible to get plantar fasciitis in both feet as well. If you have flat feet, a high arch, or are overweight, then you’ll have a higher chance of developing this condition.

How Is Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosed?

To get an accurate diagnosis, a medical professional will first perform a physical examination of your foot. They’ll also ask you a range of relevant questions, such as whether your symptoms started occurring sometime after an injury.

Aside from a physical exam, a medical professional might also recommend one or more imaging tests, such as an X-ray or an MRI. This is to ensure not only that plantar fasciitis is involved but also if there are any other issues that could have stemmed from your accident.

For instance, there may be one or more fractures of varying severity in the bone of your foot. An X-ray exam can even show whether or not you have a bone spur on your heel. Based on these various tests, a medical professional can give you both an accurate diagnosis and a recommended treatment plan.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

The best treatment for plantar fasciitis depends on its severity. Some people need nothing more than to rest their feet for an extended period of time, while others may need to take over-the-counter medication.

In more severe cases, platelet-rich plasma therapy may be necessary. This is a state-of-the-art treatment that involves injecting platelet-rich plasma as a way of repairing and healing the injury so that you’ll eventually feel as good as new.

The plasma is often taken from another part of your body and treated so that it becomes more potent due to its higher density of platelets.

What Are the Causes of Plantar Fasciitis?

You might be asking yourself, “How did I develop plantar fasciitis in the first place?”

There are many ways in which a person can get plantar fasciitis in one or both feet. It can occur when playing sports or after a long work shift in which you were on your feet all day. If you don’t stretch before doing exercises, then that’s yet another way you can injure yourself.

Footwear that doesn’t give your feet support is also a common culprit, including flip-flops, flat tennis shoes, or high heels.

Ways in which you can prevent plantar fasciitis from developing include stretching before working out, wearing proper footwear, and allowing your feet ample time to rest after intense walks. Be sure to replace your footwear every six to nine months so that you always get the full support that your feet need.

Are You Ready to Get Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis?

Now that you’ve learned all about plantar fasciitis and what the treatment entails, you can make sure you get proper medical attention. That way, you can start living your best life with friends and family members. The sooner you can get help, the better.

RejuvenateYourHealth offers a wide range of regenerative medical treatments that can get you back on your feet. From platelet-rich plasma therapy to stem cell therapy, you can always count on our experience and our attention to detail.

Feel free to message us or call our offices with questions or to schedule an appointment.