Exercises for a Sprained Knee

umesh@mavagency.comActive Lifestyle, Alternative Pain Relief, Arthritis vs Osteoarthritis, Extra Cellular Matrix, Injury Recovery, Knee Pain, PRP Therapy, Regenerative Medicine, Sports Injuries

Did you know that your knee is the largest joint in your body?

You use your knees a huge amount every day: when you’re walking, running, climbing, jumping, and even sitting. That’s why knee pain can have a huge effect on your daily life.

It can be tempting to rest your knee and avoid using it when you’re in pain. But that isn’t always the best thing to do.

Your body has its own self-healing powers that are incredibly effective. Exercising, strengthening, and stretching can be an effective way to recover. If your injury is more severe, then regenerative medicine therapies, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP), can help you heal.

Do you have a sore or sprained knee? Start by taking a look at these exercises from Rejuvenate Your Health, to reduce pain and get back on your feet again.

Exercising with a Sprained Knee  

A sprained knee affects your joint. Sprain symptoms can include:

  • A tearing or popping sensation in the knee joint;
  • Pain, swelling and bruising;
  • Stiffness.

If you have a sprained knee, you might feel afraid and reluctant to keep moving. But in most cases, it is better to exercise your knee than to keep it still.

Gentle exercise is one of the best natural remedies for knee pain. Exercise can increase your strength and flexibility, particularly in the muscles that support your knee joint. This helps you to heal and get back to normal. It also helps to keep knees healthy and reduce the risk of injury.

If you keep your knee still, it can become stiff. This can make the pain worse and make it harder to go back to your daily activities.

If you have a sprained knee, or you’re in pain, it’s important to talk to your doctor. Make sure that the exercises are safe and suitable for you, and work with them to heal.

Regenerative Medicine Alongside Exercise

Regenerative medicine therapies help you to recover, reduce pain, and improve mobility using your body’s own healing powers. Examples of these therapies include Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy.

These treatments help you to restore tissues that may have been injured or damaged. PRP therapy uses elements of your body’s cells to encourage healing.

If you’re injured, take the time to explore regenerative medicine therapies further. When used alongside exercises, you can recover, regain your mobility, and build up your strength quickly.

Strengthening Exercises

You can help to reduce stress on your knee joint by strengthening the surrounding muscles. Try these strengthening exercises regularly, and you’ll notice your knees – and legs – become stronger.

Half Squats

Half squats are a great way to strengthen your legs – especially your quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

  1. Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing forwards.
  2. Look straight ahead, and slowly bend your knees (directing them forward over your toes).
  3. Bend down until you’re halfway to a full squat – like you’re sitting down onto a chair.
  4. Pause for a few seconds.
  5. Push up through your heels, and come back to standing.

Try to repeat 10 times. That’s one set – try to do two or three sets all together.

Wall Sits

Wall sits are another way to focus on strengthening your glutes.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, in front of a wall. Have your head, shoulders, back and hips against the wall behind you.
  2. Step both feet forward, but keep your back and shoulders against the wall.
  3. Bend your knees and slowly slide your back down the wall. Do this until you’re in a sitting position.
  4. Hold for a few seconds.
  5. Push up through your heels, and return to standing.

Try to repeat this 10 times, and do two or three sets.

Calf Raises

These work the entire backs of your legs, focusing on your calves.

  1. Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing forwards. To help you balance, try to stand close to something that you can use to steady yourself.
  2. Slowly lift both heels off the ground, so that you’re standing on the balls of your feet.
  3. Slowly lower both heels, so that you’re back in your starting position.

Try to repeat 10 times, and do two or three sets.

Hamstring Curls

Hamstring curls help to make your hamstrings and glutes stronger.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing forwards. If you need to, stand close to something that you can use to keep your balance.
  2. Bend one knee, lifting your heel towards your glutes. Go as far as you can.
  3. Hold for approx. 10 seconds.
  4. Bring your foot back to the ground, so that you’re back in your starting position.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.

Try to repeat 10 times on each leg, and do two or three sets.

Leg Extensions

These allow you to strengthen your quads without putting pressure on your knees.

  1. Sit in a chair, with your feet flat on the ground. Make sure that they’re hip-width apart.
  2. Lift one leg as high as you can by straightening your knee, without tilting your hips.
  3. Pause for a few seconds.
  4. Bring your foot back to the ground, so that you’re back in your starting position.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.

Try to repeat 10 times, and do two or three sets.

Straight Leg Lifts

This exercise targets your quads, hip flexors and shins.

  1. Lie on your back, flat on the floor. Feel free to use a mat or cushioning to make yourself comfortable.
  2. Bend one knee and put your foot flat on the floor. Keep the other leg straight.
  3. Focus on the straight leg – slowly raise it up from the floor until it’s the same height as your bent knee.
  4. Pause for a few seconds.
  5. Bring your leg back to the ground, so that you’re back in your starting position.

Try to repeat 10 times on each leg, and do two or three sets.

Side Leg Lifts

Straight leg lifts strengthen your glutes and hip abductors.

  1. Lie on your side on the floor, with your hips and legs stacked on top of each other. Use your hands to help you balance.
  2. Lift your top leg as high as you can, keeping both legs straight. Try not to rotate your hips.
  3. Pause for a few seconds.
  4. Lower your leg, so that you’re back in your starting position.

Try to repeat 10 times on each leg, and do two or three sets.

Stretching Exercises

Lower body stretching can help increase flexibility in your knee joint, making movement easier. It will also help to prevent injury or pain from any strengthening exercises that you do.

Calf Stretch

This stretch focuses on your lower leg; mainly your calves.

  1. Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing forwards. To help you balance, try to stand close to something that you can use to steady yourself.
  2. Move one foot back as far as you comfortably can. Keep your toes facing forward.
  3. Bend your front knee, directing it over your toes. You should feel a stretch in the back leg that is still straight.
  4. Hold for approx. 30 seconds.

Try to do this stretch twice on both legs.

Quad Stretch

The quad stretch helps to improve flexibility in your quads and hip flexors.

  1. Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing forwards. To help you balance, try to stand close to something that you can use to steady yourself.
  2. Bend one knee, lifting your heel towards your glutes.
  3. Hold your ankle, and gently pull your heel towards your glutes as much as is comfortable.
  4. Bring your leg back to the ground, so that you’re back in your starting position.

Try to do this stretch twice on both legs.

Toe Touches

This is an effective way to stretch out your hamstrings, and the backs of your legs.

  1. Begin by standing with your feet close together, toes facing forwards.
  2. Slowly bend from the hips, trying to reach your hands to your toes. Keep your legs straight, but don’t lock your knees.
  3. Hold for approx. 30 seconds.
  4. Slowly bring yourself up, so that you’re back in your starting position.

Try to do this stretch twice.

Best Exercises for a Sprained Knee

Having a painful or sprained knee can have a huge impact on your life. These exercises can strengthen and stretch your knee, reducing pain, and prevent further injuries.

Would you like to talk to someone about your knee pain? Contact us today, and we can help you feel your best.