Ankle Pain That Won’t Go Away: What to Do

[email protected]Active Lifestyle, Alternative Pain Relief, Ankle Pain, Arthritis vs Osteoarthritis, Extra Cellular Matrix, Injury Recovery, PRP Therapy, Regenerative Medicine, Sports Injuries

Are you struggling with ongoing ankle pain? You’re not the only one. Many studies have found high numbers of people struggling with chronic ankle pain, particularly in older people and people who have had previous injuries.

But, you don’t have to struggle with pain forever. There are actions you can take to reduce or eliminate your ankle pain.

Let’s go through how to treat chronic ankle pain today.

What Are the Causes of Chronic Ankle Pain?

There are different things that can cause ongoing ankle pain, and different treatments will apply to different causes.

Arthritis in your joints, for example, can be a major cause of ankle pain. A torn tendon or a previous injury, like a break or a sprain, can cause ongoing problems. Gout can cause ankle pain, as can nerve damage or diseases, lupus, bursitis, scleroderma, or cancer.

Working out too frequently or too excessively, along with other kinds of overuse, can injury your joints and cause pain.

Ankle pain can also be a sign of more serious issues. Ankle pain can signal a joint infection or a problem with your blood vessels.

If you think you might be suffering from one of these conditions, particularly if you are also noticing other symptoms, it’s important to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

Additionally, if you have a preexisting condition such as diabetes and you begin to experience foot or ankle pain, you’ll want to contact your doctor immediately.

Depending on what symptoms you have, you may be able to narrow down your problem. Some symptoms that can be present along with ankle pain include swelling, weakness, stiffness, instability, numbness, pins and needles, and bruising.

How Do I Treat Ankle Pain?

There are lots of ways to treat ankle pain. It ultimately depends on the severity of the pain you are suffering from.

Depending on how bad your pain currently is, you may need to consult with professionals immediately. Or, you may be okay to treat your issue on your own.

Dealing with Minor Ankle Pain

If your pain is minor, you might want to stick with methods you can do at home. Start by avoiding putting weight on your ankle, whenever possible. Ice your ankle several times a day, to reduce swelling.

You can ice your ankle around 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Use a compression bandage to help your ankle heal. Elevating your ankle will also help reduce ankle pain in the long term.

You can also use non-prescription medications like ibuprofen to reduce swelling, but you should consult with a medical professional to make sure that it won’t cause greater health problems.

Or, you can try a topical pain reliever, which can be very helpful if you think your problem is stress or overuse.

Severe Ankle Pain

If you’re having more significant problems, you’ll want to contact a professional. Your doctor should be able to pin down the cause of your ankle pain, if you don’t already know, and recommend actions to take to reduce further issues.

For people struggling with arthritis, you should look into plasma rich platelet therapy. This treatment can help reduce inflammation, slow the progression of the disease, and help with joint friction.

Plasma rich platelet therapy can also be beneficial for people with tendonitis or ligament and muscle injuries.

Other Ways to Reduce Pain

Stretching and regular exercise can help ward off further problems with your ankle. Swimming and water aerobics are low impact and will reduce the amount of strain on your joints.

Or, you can try yoga or other stretching routines. A physical therapist or a chiropractor may be able to help you out or can point you in a direction that could resolve your issue.

Your doctor may prescribe different medication, such as anti-inflammatories or steroids if your ankle pain is a result of a long-term condition. Treating the symptoms of these conditions can help reduce your pain levels.

If the pain continues, your doctor may be able to prescribe painkillers on a short-term basis while you attempt to address the root of the ankle pain problem.

If these solutions aren’t helping, your condition may require surgical intervention. That’s especially true if you’ve previously suffered from snapped or ruptured tendons.

When in doubt, it’s important to consult with a doctor so that you don’t cause any further problems to your joints.

Chronic Ankle Pain Isn’t the End of the Road

Clearly, there are options to help you out if you’re struggling with chronic ankle pain. You just need to do your research, talk to the professional, and find the best road for your needs.

Do you have more questions about chronic ankle pain? Are you curious about your options? Contact us for everything you need to know.